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John Hangasky
Post-doctoral associate
Ph.D. Chemistry - 2014
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, MA
B.S. Chemistry; B.S. Forensic Science - 2009
University of New Haven, CT
University of California, Berkeley
356 Stanley Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720
Email: jhangasky<spAm>berkeley.edu
Phone: (510) 642-8766
Hangasky JA, Detomasi TC, Marletta MA. Glycosidic bond hydroxylation by polysaccharide monooxygenases. Trends in Chemistry 2019.
Hangasky JA and Marletta MA. A random-sequential kinetic mechanism for polysaccharide monooxygenases. Biochemistry 2018.
Hangasky JA, Iavorone AT, Marletta MA. Reactivity of O2 versus H2O2 with polysaccharide monooxygenases. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2018.
Agostoni M, Hangasky JA, Marletta MA. Physiological and molecular understanding of bacterial polysaccharide monooxygenases. MMBR 81 2017.
Hangasky JA, Taabazuing CY, Martin C, Eron S, Knapp MJ. The facial triad in the aKG oxygenase FIH: A role for sterics linking substrate binding to O2 activation. J Inorg Biochem 2017 Jan 166;26-33.
Hangasky JA, Gandhi H, Valliere MA, Ostrom NE, Knapp MJ. The rate-limiting step of O2 activation in the α-ketoglutarate oxygenase factor inhibiting hypoxia inducible factor. Biochemistry. 2014 Dec 30;53(51):8077-84.
Hangasky JA, Ivison GT, Knapp MJ. Substrate positioning by Gln(239) stimulates turnover in factor inhibiting HIF, an αKG-dependent hydroxylase. Biochemistry. 2014 Sep 16;53(36):5750-8.
Taabazuing CY, Hangasky JA, Knapp MJ. Oxygen sensing strategies in mammals and bacteria. J Inorg Biochem. 2014 Apr;133:63-72.
Light KM, Hangasky JA, Knapp MJ, Solomon EI. First- and second-sphere contributions to Fe(II) site activation by cosubstrate binding in non-heme Fe enzymes. Dalton Trans. 2014 Jan 28;43(4):1505-8.
Light KM, Hangasky JA, Knapp MJ, Solomon EI. Spectroscopic studies of the mononuclear non-heme Fe(II) enzyme FIH: second-sphere contributions to reactivity. J Am Chem Soc. 2013 Jul 3;135(26):9665-74.
Hangasky JA, Taabazuing CY, Valliere MA, Knapp MJ. Imposing function down a (cupin)-barrel: secondary structure and metal stereochemistry in the αKG-dependent oxygenases. Metallomics. 2013 Apr;5(4):287-301.
Hangasky JA, Saban E, Knapp MJ. Inverse solvent isotope effects arising from substrate triggering in the factor inhibiting hypoxia inducible factor. Biochemistry. 2013 Mar 5;52(9):1594-602.
Saban E, Chen YH, Hangasky JA, Taabazuing CY, Holmes BE, Knapp MJ. The second coordination sphere of FIH controls hydroxylation. Biochemistry. 2011 May 31;50(21):4733-40.